Mission Statement of Our PD Committee:

"To coordinate and promote professional development opportunities based on direction from the superintendent and professional staff." (May, 2006)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Swan Valley Fitness Center

Presenter: Lynne Menard

Location: Swan Valley Fitness Center

Day & Time: Monday Feb. 2 PM

Description: "The Ultimate Fitness Experience"
"Come and sample everything the Swan Valley Fitness Center has to offer...Cardio, weight training, boot camp, pilates, and the ultimate in relaxation (Yoga). Try out our stability balls and our BOSU trainer. Learn how nutrition also plays an important part."

Session Limit: 15 people


Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting session; however, there isn't any time or date noted. If this could be updated as soon as possible it will help with us signing up for sessions before the deadline in 3 days. Thank you

Anonymous said...

oops!! Figured it out when I looked to the right and saw the letter codes for each session!!