...via the convenors of the conference, several of whose blogs I read...K12 Online Conference is a 'go' again this year, and as someone who participated on the periphery of the 'get-together', I'm going to have to highly recommend attendance if you're interested in this whole education connectedness via the web idea. Dates for this year are "October 15-19 and October 22-26 of 2007, and will include a preconference keynote during the week of October 8. This year’s conference theme is “Playing with Boundaries.” " (copied from the conference blog)
Here's some reasons to think about attending this year's conference...
Call them the top 5 reasons (I couldn't think of 10 quickly)....
5. You can wear your pajamas to the keynote presentations.
4. ...or better yet, do what I did last year and download them to your PC or your mp3 or video player to view/listen whenever you like.
3. No mileage to incur, nor wear and tear on your vehicle.
2. You can participate in the chats (or just listen); you can leave (and read) comments about the conference; you can network with other teachers and education-types from across the globe, literally.
and the number one reason (since teachers sometimes have a reputation involving frugality?)...
1. It's free!!!
Here's the link again, and the call for proposals is currently on now, so maybe some interested folks from the Valley will be presenting, who knows?